phildom's ramblings

Published by phildom on

Pentesting on OpenBSD


My current setup is to have and kali Linux, parrotsec Linux, and alpine running as VMs with OpenBSD’s vmd. Unfortunately, it currently isn’t possible to install kali directly using vmd (at least, I don’t know how). So I first installed it using qemu and then run it with vmd.

For GUI applications I use both ssh -Y and also xrdp as an RDP server on the VMs, and xfreerdp as an RDP client on the OpenBSD host.

Then depending on the situation, the vms are bridged into the network, as if they were physical machines in the network. (Setup and config to follow).

For some use cases, for example when I’m doing a pentest (red teaming) on location, it’s useful to connect to multiple networks, e.g. to the internal network (which is the focus of the pentest) via ethernet, and to the guest network via WiFi (e.g. useful to access the internet without any of the internal restrictions). For this I use OpenBSD’s rdomains

(Setup and config to follow).

This is just a stub. A complete article will follow…

Tags: securityopensource.